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Monday 20th Febuary 2025
Chidara School
Fulkan Foundation managed to go to Mutoko Chidara school on Monday 10th February 2025 to donate stationary.
The event was a success.
This time around Fulkan Representatvie Locah Dzimba presented the stationary to the Headmaster Mr Kome and his Deputy Head Mrs Jembere!
The stationary items were:
execise books,
and rulers
and also gave out Fulkan T-shirts to the teachers who were present.
Fulkan paid school fees for the pair of twins that were designated to be looked after by the Fulkan Foundation.
We discussed about helping with extra lesson fees to children who have the potential to excel.
Headmaster Mr Kome and his Deputy Head Mrs Jembere were going to call a meeting next week to present the items to their school committee members and promised to give us feedback.
They also highlighted some of the things needed as a school such as:
-Fencing of their school garden for agriculture lessons
-Readers at least 10 books per class
-ECDA and ECDB play center eg swings slides, siso for the little ones!